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Bootstrap vs Tailwind CSS: What’s the Difference?

Comparing two major and modern CSS frameworks Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS

Before seeing the frameworks of the CSS I think it is better to have basic knowledge about the CSS. CSS is the short and popular form of the Cascading Style Sheets. This is one of the major pillars of the web industry. CSS plays a vital role in the website design. How you want to present how you want to look this all handled by CSS on every website. Good looking, eye repeal, the standard of website everything determined by CSS.

In the present time, designers like to use the frameworks of CSS rather than core css. Framework is a build or bundle form of the core language with many inbuilt features and functions. We can find many libraries also as a framework with every language. There are many advantages to using of frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind for CSS.

In the dynamic landscape of website design, choosing the right CSS framework is a good challenge to selecting the appropriate tool for a designer. Among the plethora of options, two prominent players stand out: Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap. Each has its unique approach to styling and offers designers a distinct set of advantages.

In this article, I will try to delve into the intricacies of Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap, exploring their strengths, weaknesses, and the scenarios where one might outshine the other.

Difference between bootstrap and tailwind css



Bootstrap is the leading CSS framework for front-end development, especially in the website design industry. It follows a more opinionated approach, providing a pre-designed set of components and styles that developers can easily integrate into their projects. 

This makes Bootstrap an excellent choice for rapid development, particularly for those who prefer a convention over configuration methodology.

Developers love this framework because of its prebuilt classes like dropdown-menu and dropdown-tems. This saves time and effort. This is the main reason why developers use frameworks instead of core code writing.

Tailwind CSS 

Tailwind CSS was developed In 2017 by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger. From their website, Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.


Even though both are the frameworks of the CSS, they are distinguished from each other. Tailwind CSS distinguishes itself from Bootstrap. Unlike Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS does not provide pre-built components, It empowers the designer to customize their own designs. This makes it more flexible and more powerful for the designers who look and think more than prebuilt components. 

Additionally, Tailwind CSS simplifies the creation of responsive designs by autonomously managing all necessary media queries—requiring you only to designate the desired breakpoint preceding the chosen class.

For Example:

  • bg-gray-200 for the background color

  • p-4 for padding

  • flex for layout

  • gap-x-4 for horizontal spacing

  • w-32 and h-32 for image width and height and more..


Difference between Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap as Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap

There may be many differences between Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS but here we list some major differences. 



Bootstrap was first released in August 2011.

Tailwind CSS was first released in Nov. 2017.

Developed by Bootstrap Core Team.

Developed by Tailwind Labs.

Original Authors Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton

Original Authors Adam Wathan, Jonathan Reinink, David Hemphill, and Steve Schoger

The official website of Bootstrap is getbootstrap.com

The official website of the tailwind CSS is tailwindcss.com

License is  MIT License (Apache License 2.0)

The licence is the MIT License

It requires a large file size.

It requires a small file size

Famous companies that trusted Bootstrap are Twitter, LinkedIn, Spotify, and StackShare.

Famous companies who trusted Tailwind CSS are MAKE IT, Hashnode, and Livestorm.

Bootstrap provides ready-made components.

Tailwind CSS does not provide ready-made components.

Bootstrap saves time because of its readymade components.

Comparatively, it takes more time to create components than Bootstrap.

It offers ready-made themes and templates.

It offers unique utility-first classes.

Bootstrap is older and still the leading framework for the web and front-end industry.

New and learning.


These are the basic differences between Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS. Now compare based on the research and will keep adding it as we find the differences.

Which one is better Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS?

This is the major question for everyone. So it depends on the specific needs and preferences of the developer.

-If you value your time to create a responsive web and app design bootstrap is the best choice because with Bootstrap rapid prototyping and a standardized look are paramount.

-If you searching for more flexible options for the design Tailwind CSS is the best option because it is the champion of customization, providing a canvas for front-end developers to paint their unique stylistic visions.

Ultimately, the decision between the two rests on whether you prefer the convenience of predefined styles or the freedom to meticulously craft every detail of your web project.


Tailwind CSS Developer

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