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Benefits of Text Summarization in Digital Marketing

Readers appreciate concise content as it delivers quality information in fewer words. A summary gives readers a glimpse of what you offer in an article. You can compile the main ideas, goals, and keywords if you're writing a summary for use in digital marketing. But what are the benefits of sumarization?

The most significant advantage of text summarization in digital marketing is in writing meta descriptions. More than 40% audience on Google search clicks on an article by reading its meta description.

Moreover, meta description requires an overview of the complete article in a limited number of characters. With the help of text summarization, marketers can write concise meta descriptions to attract a targeted audience.

But that's not the only advantage of text summarization. It has a lot more to offer in different domains of online marketing. In this article, we will share the benefits of text summarization in Digital Marketing.


Social Media Marketing

Social media posts feature captions and descriptions to promote blog posts and market businesses. Each social media platform has its character limit for writing social descriptions. In this case, text summarization can help to portray a concise idea of social media content in just a few words.

For example, you have to promote a blog post via social media platforms, and you can share a link to the blog post with a concise description to give a glimpse of its content. If you cannot come up with a description yourself, you can take assistance from a summarizer. A summarizer will automatically shorten the blog post to make a concise description.

A text summarizer can present several options for writing brief descriptions and captions. You can input an entire blog and summarize it to the social media post's character limit.

Learn about the Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Media Marketing and how it can both benefit and challenge your business growth and online presence.


Engaging Descriptions

Feature writing and product review writing are essential parts of affiliate marketing. Many writers and bloggers cannot distinguish the different types of writing, like blog writing and product description writing.

The product review requires more of a personal opinion with a brief and direct overview of a product or service. Therefore, writers have implemented text summarization practices to provide an overview of a product or service.

The idea is to remain direct and engaging by skipping all the formal and unwanted information that comes with the product. In this way, the readers will feel less like reading a brochure and more like reading an opinion of a product user.


To Write Catchy Intros

Introductions of your marketing content hold a significant role in elaborating the content of an article. The intro of your marketing content gives the idea about the rest of the article, which is why the audience mainly focuses on this section to find the answer to their queries.

If the content is not providing enough information, the visitor may leave the page, increasing the dwell time or bounce rate of your page. Such practice is not suitable for content marketing.

Therefore, writers should summarize a lengthy blog post by highlighting its key elements for the introduction section.


Featured Snippet Answers

Featured snippets are another essential part of content marketing. Online marketing heavily relies on search engine optimization and rankings. The higher someone ranks, the faster they'll make a sale. In this case, featured snippet answers provide a shortcut to rank at the top.

The search engine takes a section of concise answers from your content that provides a direct answer for the user's query and places your site on the top of search results. It's the best approach to gaining organic traffic and leading ahead in the competitive online market.

When you want to write an article for your website, you can use a summarizing tool to create a concise, featured-snippet-friendly answer and place it somewhere near the top of the post.


Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are similar to product descriptions but have a lower character limit. Meta description gives a broad idea of what is written on the webpage. This description is featured under the link and title in the SERP results.

The visitor will be compelled to click on the webpage link if the meta description seems convincing enough to provide sufficient information. Therefore, writers must take assistance from text summarization to compile more information in fewer words.



Text summarization is a good practice for compiling more information in fewer words. Summarization makes it easier for the audience to understand the collected information more conveniently. It supports almost every digital marketing domain, such as social media and content marketing.

This article discussed a range of benefits of text summarization in digital marketing. We elaborated on five different benefits and how they can increase the reach of your business through digital marketing. We hope this article provided you with valuable information on the applications of text summarization.

Combiled By: Patrick Jonah